Integrating technology into the curriculum is more than just learning basic computer skills, how to use the internet, or how to use software programs. Students need to use technology for accomplishing goals and solving real world problems in a way that is similar to how these skills are being used in a real world setting.
“Technology integration means viewing technology as an instructional tool for delivering subject matter in the curriculum already in place.” (Woodbridge, 2004., par. 3)
Students become active learners and develop their problem solving, critical-thinking, and creativity skills when creating Scratch projects. Teachers must move from traditional teaching methods to engaging students in problem-based or project based learning which is student-centered.
For example:
Below is a model for Scratch Integration. It is an application of the The Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow (ACOT) 5 stages of technology integration. These 5 stages help teachers to integrate technology into teaching and learning.
Stage 1: Entry
Learn the basics of using Scratch. For teachers, learning Scratch can be done in conjunction with the teaching of Scratch during computer class. See the scaffolding and creativity sections.
Stage 2: Adoption
Use Scratch to support traditional instruction. Teachers can create Scratch presentations used to illustrate an instructional idea, or Scratch simulations can be used to demonstrate concepts. Scratch made quizzes can be used for assessment. See videos: an example of a quiz, a simulation.
Stage 3: Adaptation
Start having students use Scratch more frequently in other subject areas other than computer class. For example simple multimedia presentations, like storytelling in English class. See video example of storytelling.
Stage 4: Appropriation
A focus on cooperative, project-based, and interdisciplinary work using Scratch. Students can collaborate in small groups to design a Scratch project on a given topic, using materials they research and provide. For example, in social studies students can use Scratch in the classroom for projects illustrating their points of view.
Stage 5: Invention
There should now be a shift from teacher-centered instruction to student-centered instruction. Essentially Scratch becomes a tool that students can choose to use for accomplishing tasks, solving problems, and constructing knowledge in all subject areas.
(Apple Computer, Inc., 1995)
Apple Computer, Inc. (1995). Changing the conversation about teaching, learning, & technology: A report on 10 years of ACOT research.Cupertino, CA: Apple Computers, Inc.
Woodbridge, J. (2004). Technology integration as a transforming teaching strategy. Technology and Learning.